Imam al-Baghawi (d.561AH) and Ibn Kathir on Khawarij
Source: Imam al-Baghawi (d.561AH) and Ibn Kathir on Khawarij
Source: Imam al-Baghawi (d.561AH) and Ibn Kathir on Khawarij
[Important note, it has been pointed out the links below are not working. I am fixing them at this very moment, please check back shortly] As-salaamu ‘alaykum Firstly, my deepest apologies to the readers and regular visitors of this blog. I am aware that I have made many beneficial articles unavailable in the shifting around…
Salamun ‘alaykum I want to apologize if any article appears to be missing. I have decided to close the menu in order to re-sort, proof read and update any articles I have written. I will publish the old and the new on the new public forum I have opened. For those who have made beneficial…
ATTACKS ON MUHAMMAD IBN ‘ABDIL WAHHAB ANSWERED Naturally, those from the Wahhabi persuasion do not like it when people point out some very basic facts about Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdil Wahhab. Whenever somebody seemingly attacks Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdil Wahhab, the Salafi-Wahhabi response is mostly the same. They begin by saying “There is never a man who…
Salamun ‘alaykum The article giving an explanation as to why the book has took so long has been long overdue. For that I apologize. I realize that with the excessive adverts, and reminders “its coming”, and even a long gone speculative release date has caused many to lose interest in the book and think it…
THE ONLY POSSIBLE GOD With so many world religions each calling to so many different “gods”, it leaves a great deal of confusion as to which one is the absolute true religion. This places a very important task before the seekers of truth. To find the absolute truth in order to submit themselves to the…