Refuting the charge of grave worship

There are many videos on youtube that have already demolished this false claim of the Wahhabis, so in reality I am not saying nothing new. I have compiled some videos from youtube below and compiled my own brief article after. Listen to this with heart, watch the videos, see the evidences. Are the Muslims who do such acts really grave worshippers? Have heart yaa ‘Abd’s of Allah

Fatimah al-Zahra and what she did at the Prophet’s ﷺ grave

Imaam Ahmad Bin Hanbal and his view on seeking tabarruk from graves:

Sahaabah called upon the Prophet ﷺ in his grave:

Imaam Malik makes du’a whilst facing the Prophet’s ﷺ grave:

Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah promotes the creed of calling upon the Prophet ﷺ in his grave:

Fatimah al-Zahrah called upon the Prophet ﷺ in his grave:

Ibn Katheer mentioned the Sahaabah called upon the Prophet ﷺ in his grave

Imaam Nawawi permits calling upon the Prophet ﷺ in his grave

Imaam Ahmad allows the kissing of the Prophet’s ﷺ grave

But yet Wahhabis call whoever does these acts mushrikeen and kuffar!

Read more below


Wahhbi creed is clear cut about those who seek tawassul through the “dead” by calling upon them. Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab’s Nawaaqid ul-Islaam [the factors in which Wahhabis claim nullify a person’s Islam], p. 308 where Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab said:

“He who sets up intermediaries between him and Allah, calling unto them and asking them to intercede on his behalf with Allah, and putting trust in them is an infidel [i.e. a Kaafir, a disbeliever] according to the consensus of the scholars”.

This is exactly what Muslims do when we make tawassul through the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. We “call unto them” addressing him ﷺ with the vocative particle [harf an-nidaa] “Yaa Muhammad ﷺ .  Wahhabis need an ‘Arabic lesson in al-Munaada .

The Wahhabi cult teaches that calling unto [du’a] to other than Allah is worship, and they misuse the hadeeth which says “du’a is worship”, so when any Sunni Muslim is caught saying “Yaa Muhammad ﷺ ” at his grave, he is then automatically accused of worshipping the Prophet ﷺ by calling unto him, thus deemed a mushrik [a pagan] for doing so.

Without any doubt, one is accused of calling unto other than Allah ﷺ and deemed a Kaafir. To demonstrate this point further then let us return to the statement of Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab’s book Nawaaqid ul-Islam, Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab said in point number two:

“Man ja’ala baynahu wa bayna Allah wa saa’itaa yad’uwhum wa yas’aluhum wa yatawakkaulu alyhim. Kafara ijmaa’a”

Now take special note that Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab used the imperfect verb “yad’u-hum” meaning “they are calling or will call upon them” this verb derives from the same root as du’a which simply means to call upon see p. 282 of the Hans Wehr ‘Arabic dictionary.

The Sahaabah addressed the Messenger of Allah ﷺ respectfully by saying “Yaa Muhammad ﷺ”, “Yaa RasulAllah ﷺ” and why? Take note of the following Qur’anic passage from Surah an-Nur [24] ayah 63:

“la taj’alu du’a ar-Rasul baynakum ka- du’a ba’dikum ba’da” Which translates as “Do not make the calling [du’a] of the Messenger between you like the calling  [du’a] of each other”

Meaning address the Prophet ﷺ respectfully! This is why they used “Yaa RasulAllah” in his very lifetime out of respect. But more importantly also notice that the Allah used the word du’a!

Wahhabis make a distinction here. They argue that when the Messenger ﷺ was alive, then its permissible to call upon him [du’a] using the vocative noun “Yaa” but now he is “dead”, calling unto him [du’a] is now considered as worship, thus calling unto the Messenger ﷺ is nothing but pure shirk [i.e. idolatry].

So according to Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab, to yad’u-hum [to call upon them] by saying “Ya RasulAllah” is indeed an act that is considered by the Wahhabi’s to take one out of the fold of Islam whether you are doing tawssaul, asking for Shifaa’a or istighathah. This can be further seen by the fact Wahhabi scholar Bilal Phillips wrote in his book Fundamentals of Tawheed p. 27-28:

“The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said in no uncertain terms “prayer (du’a) is worship…If somebody prays to the Prophet, to so called saints [remember Bilal Phillips means by this calling upon them]…asking for help or asking them to request help from Allah, they have also committed shirk [i.e. they have became a Kaafir Mushrik]”

It is then clear that Wahhabis deem such tawaasul as calling upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ by directly addressing him “Yaa RasulAllah” as major shirk, regardless if we are asking for help, or for them to supplicate to Allah for us.

However the big burning question here is this the stance of Muslim orthodoxy? Is this the position that the scholars of the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’a hold?  Do the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah believe that it is an act of idolatry to address the Prophet ﷺ in his grave?

According to Tafseer Ibn Katheer Surah an-Nisa [4] ayah 64 it is not shirk to call upon [du’a] the Messenger ﷺ whilst he is in his grave.

Before we go to Tafseer Ibn Katheer and look at the evidence [scans available] I would like to mention that this cannot be found in the ‘Arabic versions, nor is it translated in the Dar us-Salaam versions that are published by any Wahhabi publisher. It is purposefully whitewashed for the very reason that it defies the Wahhabi creed and they cannot have that as prove against them.

So what they have done is they have put out “Saheeh Tafseer Ibn Katheer”, but when they say “Saheeh” they do not mean authentic, they mean that they have corrected Ibn Katheer’s tafseer as they deemed that what he mentioned was dalaalah [misguidance].

This is one of the many reasons many new converts remain blind to the tricks of the Wahhabi organization. I have tried to tell them they are being deceived and they need to learn ‘Arabic so they can analyze these things for themselves, but I find that many Wahhabi converts are too huffed up with pride and are too far gone to even sincerely speak too. The once sincere conversation soon turns sour.

However, it is my challenge to them to study the following in ‘Arabic and then turn to the Dar us-Salaam and ask themselves why do Wahhabis keep white washing Sunni texts which clearly display evidences against their own creed?

Let us now quote from Tafseer Ibn Katheer:

“Ataabi raltes that he was sitting at the grave of the Prophet ﷺ when an Arab came and said “As-Salaamu Alayka YAA RASULALLAH” then he quoted the related ayah about seeking forgiveness.” Tafseer Ibn Katheer, vol. 1, p. 328

Before my readership starts calling me a misleading Barelwi prentending to be a Hanbali, let us look to the Hanbali scholars and see what they have to offer.

There is no doubt to the authenticity of this narration used by Ibn Kathher as Imaam Muwaffaq ud-Deen Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdasi also included this is his al-Mughni, vol. 3, pp. 599-601, The Shaafi Master, Imaam Nawawi also included this narration in his book al-Adhkaar pp. 218-221, The Maaliki Master Qadi Iyaad also documented this is his classical text Ash-Shifaa’a and other countless Imaams from the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah have used this as an evidence as seeking a need.

For example, the great relied upon Hanbali scholar Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdasi wrote in his al-Wasiyyah

“When seeking for a need to be fulfilled from Allah ta’ala then perform the ablution and two units of nawafil prayer, relying on Allah ta’alaa and sending salutations on the Prophet ﷺ and say the following ….“O Allah, I ask you and turn to you by Your Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the Prophet of Mercy. YAA MUHAMMAD!!! I turn by you to my Lord and your Lord aza wajjal for Him to settle my need for me”

Imaam Muwaffaq ud-Deen then says after quoting this du’a

“The early Muslims [i.e. the Salaf] had their needs fulfilled by saying this”

Imaam Muwaffaq ud-Deen Ibn Qudaamah’s work al-Wassiyah has been translated by Abu Ja’far al-Hanbali and is available for people to read here: and it has also been translated by Aisha Bewly.

You will also be able to find this hadeeth in Sunan at-tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah, Imaam Suyuti classified this hadeeth as saheeh in his al-Jami us-Saghir hadeeth no. 1279; and again Imaam Ahmad Bin Hanbal testifies to this hadeeth in his Mansik: Kash-Shaaf ul-Qinaa, vol. 2, pp. 70-73.

Now this is the interesting part, we can see from the above reference that Imaam Ahmad Bin Hanbal allowed tawassul through the Prophet by addressing the Prophet ﷺ in his grave with the vocative noun “Yaa” as in “Yaa Muhammad” or “Yaa RasulAllah”. However, look what the Wahhabi scholar Albani had to say about this in the book Tawassul: Seeking a means of nearness to Allah By Nasir ud-Deen Albani, Al-Hidaayah publising. -p. 38:

“Imam Ahmad allowed tawwasul by means of the Messenger saaws alone,…However, WE (he means we as in WE i.e. the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, the Ahle Hadeeth) follow what is supported by proof and not the blind opinions of men.”

Notice carefully how Albani used the pronoun “We” distinctly to differ from Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal. Imaam Tahaawi and other great scholars of Islamic creed only used the pronoun “we” in reference to the Ahlus-Sunnah wal jamaa’ah and their methodlogy.

Therefore not only does Albani demonstrate to us that Wahhabis are on a different path than Imaam Ahmad Bin Hanbal but it also demonstrates to us that the deeper implications reflect the Khawwaarij theology at work by differing from the Imaams of the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. Albani’s statement therefore reflects nothing but bad opinion towards the Imaam. Especially given the fact that he describes Imaam Ahmad’s ijtihaad regarding this issue as a “blind opinion”.

Wahhabi’s should take special attention to what Imaam Tahaawi has to say in his al-Aqeedah ut-Tahaawiyah:

“The learned men of the first community and those that followed intheir footsteps – the people of virtue, the narrators of hadeeth, the jurists and analysts – must only be spoken about in the best way. Anyone who speaks ill of them, then he is on other than the path (of guidance)”. point no. 97

In other words, the whole Wahhabi madh-hab is flawed as it teaches that every scholar, common Muslim, dog cat and mouse is a Kaafir, and the whole world is on the path of idolatry all except for them.

38 thoughts on “Refuting the charge of grave worship

  1. “Your helpers are Almighty Allah and His Rasool and those Muslims who perform salaah and give alms and make Ruku” (Surah Maa’idah Verse 55)

  2. their is plenty of proofs and evidence lmao u just misinterpret to ur own way. stfu honestly majority is ahlul sunnah give up wobz

  3. clowns again. sufism is worship of allah it is zikr and zuhd. so in this way dont elevate abdul wahab n ibn taymiyah. u quote a lot but miss every single point and distort opnions of razi and all mentioned they never meant that u put. they were sufis too and sunni. also i can blow up abdul wahabs grave then in that case lol? true nutter the true path is of ahlul sunnah sufism is part of it. now be quiet

  4. salam,
    so called “rightly” guided
    After reading this whole post, i can honestly say you seem to be seriously challenged in understanding and absorbing plain English/Arabic.

    You have misread/misunderstood the English & Arabic on a particular hadith [to just state one as i have no time to respond to you fortunately, BUT i am responding out of my shear amazement in you and as a apparent student with or completing a Dip in Islamic Studies] where a sahabi confronted the grave of the beloved Prophet; May Allahs blessings and peace be upon him; and asked Allah directly via the prophet in his grave – then this sahabi SAW THE PROPHET [peace be upon him] IN HIS DREAM and HE ADVISED HIM TO GO TO UMAR AND INFORM HIM OF SUCH AND SUCH -again just incase; HE SAW THE PROPHET IN A DREAM THEN HE [THE PROPHET] ADVISED HIM TO GO NOTIFY UMAR OF SYCH AND SUCH.. what is wrong with you?! are you seriously that blinded in both arabic and english? subhanallah…

    Plus; your understanding of what grave worship is, is totally incorrect and completely wrong.

    It is clear as crystal, that no matter how many hadiths is put in front of you, no matter how many scholars of hadiths who have cited it as correct, no matter how many books of scholars from the time of the sahaba till the 12th century are listed for you agreeing with this, even if ibn taymiyyah himself cited it in his own book called “Kalim al-Tayyib” [the sweet word] where he lists this hadith YOU will still not believe. Your understanding will always be twisted and your mind will be perplexed and irrational – this is your hearts disease may Allah lift your hearts veil – ameen.

    Allah ta’ala has locked your heart from understanding, reading and absorbing simple concepts completely, subhanallah..

    I think the admin here is doing an exceptional job in responding to you [even though you seem to be confused/ignorant/arrogant] and i sincerely thank him for his time and efforts in providing you clear proofs that any sound mind who can absorb what he/she reads in both Arabic/English will accept as the way of the sahaba and the scholars who came after them.

    Jazakallahu khayran.

    • reply to “RightlyGuided_IsNotGuidedRightly”and indeed i am rightly guided. I have clearly answered all the false arguments this website has been carrying out to poison the innocent laymen in the islamic world. if you are not blind, i am asking you to read all the posts to get the whole story. without talking nonsense. there isn’t a silver of evidence to prove that grave worship(in other words idol worship of dead people) is allowed. you have also claimed that the administration of this website is doing an exceptional job answering my questions. the truth is, this administration which is run by a bunch of laymen are doing a great job running away from my answers. my sincere advice to you is to get away from these people and learn the true teaching of islam which is there only in the quran and sunna that was understood by the sahabas and the pious predecessors with out gobling any filth that is womitted my these people(note:from lately this administration has put strict guidlines to stop those who tell the truth from telling it.i am shocked to see this. anyway i request this administration to post this comment. with out suppressing free speech).

      • I only approve his comments with a smile. His comments contribute more to his pshycolocical profile than any worthy valid point.

        In otherwords I am only approving his comments to demonstrate to sincere thinking people that nutters exist amongst us, and talking to them is like talking to a brick

        • my dear loving administration,
          sorry for defeating you.anyway,how much does isreal pay you?
          for you, i may be a nutter who has gone mad. but the truth is nowadays people who tell the truth are always tought as mad men. even the prophet(sal)was tought as a mad man by the, what i can clearly say about you people is, all of you have been indocrinated by the worst enemy of mankind shaytan. and only allah can cure the deseas that is there in your heart

          have a great day with shaytan

            • I AM THE RIGHTLY GUIDED,

              ALL THE BEST

              • Yes, I agree, there’s a lot of intelligent people who know how to take the caps lock of and use capitol letters only when grammatically needed. I concur!!!

                People, what do these nut jobs come from??^^

  5. According to all this lies on Allah, subhanehu we te’ala, Messenger s.a.w.s. sahabas, and islamic schoolars, YOU ARE HERETIC. Sufism is great dellusion, you ignorant child. Qur’an and Sunnah are only true sources of Islam. Everything else is lie and deception. You’re follower of passion and desire, not truth. When we build Hilafet again, In shaa Allah, we will destroy mausoleums, khanqah and other satan’s structures.

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
    “O Allah, do not make my grave an idol to be worshipped after me. Allah was very angry with people who took the graves of their Prophets as places of worship”.
    (Malik, 593, Bukhari, 3765, etc.)

    Reported by Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr al-Maliki in a commentary to this hadith:

    “Al-Vasn (Idol) – a statue or an image, whether it be gold or silver, or any other of the images, and also all that is worshipped besides Allah – is an idol, whether it be a statue, or anything else.
    Polytheist Arabs developed a tradition to pray in the direction of idols and to worship them. Being worried lest his Ummah should follow the footsteps of the previous peoples – who built structures on the graves of their dead prophets – the Prophet (pbuh) said: “O Allah, do not make my grave an idol …” for people to pray, prostrate and worship, and anger of Allah is very strong on those who do it.
    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to caution His companions and His entire Ummah against the abominable acts perpetrated by the earlier communities, who prayed in the direction of the graves of their prophets, and they took them as qiblas and places for worship, just as the polytheists did with their idols, which they would worship and glorify them, and it’s a grave shirk!
    And the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to tell them about the wrath of God, incited by it, and His abomination of it, and that these actions – that is what He is displeased of, and the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did it lest they should pursue the same wrong path”.
    See “Al-Tamhid”, 5-41
    Hafiz Ibn Abd al-Barr also said:

    “And nothing is more important than to warn against praying at the grave of the Prophet (pbuh), or against taking it as a place of worship, and also to worship none but One God, and when it was thus disposed of with reference to His grave, the other traces of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) are even more worthy of it.
    According to Malik and other knowledgeable people, it is not recommended to pay a particular visit to the tree under which the oath of Ar-Ridwan was taken, and this, and Allah knows best – contradicts the way which Christians and Yahud went in things like this”.
    See “Al-istikhar”, 2-360
    Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, quoting the last words of Ibn Abd al-Barr:

    “The scholars of Islam agreed on this sense! Said Ash-Shafi’i, may Allah have mercy on him: “I abominate that a creature is elevated to such an extent that his grave becomes a place of worship for fear of fitnah, or discord, for him and for those who will come after him”.
    The author of At-tanba from among his (Shafii) companions: “As for the prayer in front of the tomb of the Prophet, turning your face to it, it’s forbidden!”
    See “Fath al-Bari”, Ibn Rajab, 2-442
    Ibn Rushd al-Maliki:

    “Maalik (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about a stranger who comes to the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) each day. He said, ‘That is not right,’ and quoted the hadith, ‘O Allah, do not make my grave an idol that is worshipped”.
    See “Al-Bayan wa Al-Tahsil”, 18-444
    “Al-Qadi Iyad al-Maliki was asked once about people of Medina who stand by the grave one or more times a day, and they send salaams and make dua for a while. He said, “I have not heard of this from any of the fuqaha’, and nothing is good for the latter generations of this ummah except that which was good for its first generations. I have not heard that any of the first generations of the ummah used to do that!”
    See “Al-Shifa” 2-676
    Imam Abu al-Walid al-Baji al-Maliki said:

    “His dua, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, is that his grave is not made an Idol and worshipped with humble prostration, as it happens, and establishes the worship of the One Almighty Allah only, and recognizes the worship to (Him), and abominates adding to Him any other beings as partners.
    Narrated by Ashhab from Malik that for that reason he abominated to bury in a mosque, given a high chance that a burial in the mosque may entail taking it (the grave), and it may become one for the reason of worship”.
    See “Al-Muntaqa fi Sharh al-Muwatta”, 1-306

    A’isha r.a. reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said during his illness from which he never recovered: Allah cursed the Jews and the Christians that they took the graves of their prophets as mosques. She (‘A’isha) reported: Had it not been so, his (Prophet’s) grave would have been in an open place, but it could not be due to the fear that it may not be taken as a mosque.

    Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Let Allah destroy the Jews for they have taken the graves of their apostles as places of worship.

    Thumama b. Shafayy reported: When we were with Fadala b. ‘Ubaid in the country of the Romans at a place (known as) Rudis, a friend of ours died. Fadala b. ‘Ubaid ordered to prepare a grave for him and then it was levelled; and then he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) commanding (us) to level the grave.

    Abu’l-Hayyaj al-Asadi told that ‘Ali (b. Abu Talib) said to him: Should I not send you on the same mission as Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent me? Do not leave an image without obliterating it, or a high grave without levelling It. This hadith has been reported by Habib with the same chain of transmitters and he said: (Do not leave) a picture without obliterating it.

    Ibn Taymiyyah writes: ‘…The belief that supplication is more acceptable near graves has given rise to the practice of regular visits to certain graves. Urs is held at appointed days at certain graves. This practice is in contradiction to the Prophet’s prohibition of not taking graves as place of gatherings. Moreover, he cursed the Jews and the Christians for having turned graves of their Messengers into places of worship. He had explicitly asked his community not to take graves as mosques, a wrong deed committed by earlier communities. Yet, Urs (procession) is held at appointed dates at several graves. People assemble there exactly in the same manner as they do at Arafat, Muzdalifah and Mina. So much attention is paid to Urs that one feels that such arrangements are not made even for Hajj. People visit these graves from far and wide, and in the same manner as for Hajj. Some people even refer to these journeys as Hajj itself.

    Such a journey for making supplication or worshiping near graves cannot be held as lawful in any case. No Muslim scholar can dispute this point. Some pseudo-scholar of later date might have justified it, which is not in our knowledge. What is plainly clear is that such a practice amounts to taking graves as places of gatherings…Those indulging in innovation have even erected mosques at these grave… The pious people, no doubt, deserve our love and obedience in that they have revived the faith. We should undoubtedly follow them. We should make supplication for their forgiveness and that Allah’s Mercy and Pleasure descend on them. However, we should never take their graves as places of congregation. For such practices have been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger. We must shun these.

    What lies at the root of this innovation is the belief that it is better to pray near graves and that it leads to the acceptance of one’s supplication. If this false belief is removed from the minds and hearts, this practice would come to an end. We consider it as our duty to reiterate the point that there are many evils in congregating near graves hence making supplications there is forbidden as is offering prayer there. However, offering supplications there is much more serious in that it poses a serious trial for the Muslim community. It opens the door to polytheism. A Muslim who is concerned about his faith and about his success in the Hereafter must avoid this innovation.’ [ Iqtida Sirat al-Mustaqim ]


    Imaam Ash-Shaa’fee on Sufism:

    “If a person exercised Sufism (Tasawafa) at the beginning of the day, he does not come to Dhuhur except an idiot.” [Talbees Iblees].

    “Nobody accompanied the Sufis forty days and had his brain return (ever).” [Talbees Iblees].

    Concerning the famous Sufi leader, Al-Harith Al-Muhasbi, Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbaal (R) said:

    “Warn (people) from Al-Harith (a Sufi leader) the strongest warning!… He is the shelter of the Ahl Kalaam (people of rhetoric).” [Talbees Iblis].

    The famous Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Jaza’iri stated:

    “Sufism is a shameful deception which begins with Dhikr and ends with Kufr. Its outward manifestation appears to be piety, but its inward reality forsakes the Commandments of Allah.” [Illat-Tasawwuf Yaa Ibadallah].

    Ash-Sheikh Muhammad ibn Rabee’ ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee, a well known teacher at the Islamic University of Medinah and the son of a well known scholar, brings in his book “Haqeeqatus Soofiyyah Fee Dau’il Kitaabi Was Sunnah”, the following:

    Concerning the practice of the Sufiyyah in wearing woolen clothing as a sign of Zuhd (abstemiousness/disassociation from the worldly life) and in their attempt to mirror the Prophet ‘Isa (AS): “Ibn Taymiyah (R) mentions in Al-Fataawaa (11/7) from Muhammad ibn Seereen (a famous Tabi’ee who died in 110H) that it reached him that a certain people had taken to wearing woolen clothes in order to resemble ‘Isa ibn Maryam (AS), so he said: ‘There are a people (Sufis) who have chosen and preferred the wearing of woolen clothes, claiming that they want to resemble Al-Maseeh ibn Maryam (AS). But the way of our Prophet (s.a.w.s) is more beloved to us, and the Prophet (s.a.w.s) used to wear cotton and other garments.”

    Sheikh Al-Madkhalee goes on:

    “As regards the first appearance of Sufism, then the word “Sufism” was not known in the time of the Sahâbah, indeed it was not well-known in the first three and best centuries. Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyah (R), mentions that the first appearance of Sufism was in Basrah in ‘Iraaq, where some people went to extremes in worship and in avoiding the worldly life, such as was not seen in other lands. [Al-Fataawaa (11/6)].”

    Commenting on the reaction of the early Sufis while hearing Qur’an being recited (it was their practice to fall out and act dumb-struck), Ibn Taymiyah (R) says:

    “This was not found to occur amongst the Sahâbah, so when it appeared a group of the Companions and the Tabi’een such as Asmaa bint Abi Bakr and ‘Abd Allah Az-Zubair and Muhammad ibn Seereen criticised that since they saw that it was An innovation and contrary to what they knew from the manners of the Sahâbah.” [Al-Fataawaa (11/6)].

    Concerning the spread of Sufism, Ibn Al-Jawzy said: “Sufism is a way whose beginning was complete avoidance of the affairs of worldly life, then those who attached themselves to it became lax in allowing singing and dancing. Therefore, the seekers of the Hereafter from the common people became attracted to them due to the avoidance of the worldly life which they manifested, and the seekers after this world were also attracted to them due to the life of ease and frivolity which they were seen to live.” [Talbees Iblis].

    Shaikh Abu Zahrah (R) said concerning the reason for the appearance of Sufism and the sources from which it sprung:

    1. The first source: Some worshippers amongst the Muslims turned all their attention to avoidance of the worldly life and to cutting themselves off in order to worship. This first began in the lifetime of the Prophet (s.a.w.s) when some of the Sahâbah decided to spend the night striving in Prayer and abandoning sleep. Others decided to fast every day without fail. Others decided to cease having marital relations with women. So when that reached the Prophet (s.a.w.s) he said: “What is wrong with a people who say such and such. But rather I fast and I refrain from fasting, I pray and I sleep, and I marry women. So whoever turns away from my Sunnah, then he is not from me (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). Furthermore, the innovation of living like monks (monasticism) is forbidden in the Qur’an. He said:

    “…the Monasticism which they invented for themselves…” [57:27].

    However, when the Prophet (s.a.w.s) passed on to join the company of the highest angels, and many people entered into Islam from the previous religions then the number of those who went to extremes in avoidance of worldly life and its blessings grew and Sufism found a place in the hearts of these people since it had come across a fertile planting ground.

    2. The second matter which attracted peoples’ souls was something which appeared amongst the Muslims in the form of two ideologies. One of them was philosophical whilst the other was from the previous religions. As for the first, then it was the view of the Illumist school of philosophers who held that knowledge and awareness is brought about in the soul by spiritual exercises and purification of the soul. As for the second ideology, then it was the belief that the Deity dwells in human souls, or that the Deity is incarnate in humanity. This idea began to find a place amongst those sects who falsely attributed themselves to Islam in the earlier times, when the Muslims became mixed with the Christians. This idea appeared amongst the Sabians and some of the Kaysaamiyyah, then the Qaraamitah, then amongst the Baatinees, then in its final shape it appeared amongst some of the Sufis…There is another source from which it took, and which causes the manifestation of Sufi tendencies, which is the idea that the texts of the Book and the Sunnah have an outer, apparent meaning and an inner, hidden meaning…it seems clear that they took this idea from the Baatinees.” [Ibn Taymiyah by Abu Zahra].

    Ibn Al-Jawzy said after criticising the Sufis for their imposition of hardship upon themselves and for their going beyond bounds of abstemiousness to the point of self torture:

    “So this self deprivation which went beyond bounds, which we have been forbidden from, has been turned around by the Sufis of our time, i.e.. the sixth century, so that they have become as desirous of food as their predecessors were of hunger, and they enjoy morning meals, evening meals and sweet delicacies, all of which or most of which they attain through impure wealth. They have abandoned lawful earnings, turned away from worship and spread out carpets on which they idly recline, most of them have no desire except for food, drink and frivolous activities. [Talbees Iblees].

    Speaking of the false miracles claimed by many Sufi leaders, Ibn Taymiyah said:

    “It may also be done with the help of their devils as they are a people who are as closely attended by devils as they are by their own brothers… These people who experience these satanic happenings are under a great delusion, in their foolishness they are deprived of all blessings, they only increase that which is feared, they devour the wealth of the people in futile acts, they do not order the good, nor do they forbid evil, and they do not fight Jihaad in Allah’s Cause.” [Al-Fataawaa].

    Futher, Sheikh Al-Madkhalee says:

    “Then I return to the point that when I saw that most of the callers were negligent of the most important aspects of Islam which is the call to Tawheed and the correction and purification of ‘Aqeedah from all Shirk, which takes the form of worshipping the dead, attachment to the graves and calling upon the dead and the absent, and they remained silent about the other deviation of the present day Sufi orders which are very widespread in the lands of the Muslims, and anyone who travels outside this land will see the predominance that the Sufi orders have over the minds of the Muslims in Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Africa and India. Whether is is the Rifaa’ee order, or the Tijanis, or the Ahmadiyyah, or the Qaadiriyyah, or the Burhamiyyah, or the Shadhiliyyah, or the Khattaaniyyah, or the Darqaawees, or the Naqshabandis or whichever of the large number of Sufi orders…when I saw this I wished to remind of that which I held to be something very important. Likewise, I wished to provide my brothers, who study in the highly regarded Daarul Hadeeth, and they come from various Islamic lands where there are many Sufi orders, with some knowledge and some protection from the deadly sickness of Sufism.”

    As for those authentic and well known books by the ‘Ulemah that have refuted Sufism:

    1. Al-Fataawaa – by Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyah .
    2. Talbess Iblis – by Ibn Al-Jawzy .
    3. Tanbeebul-Ghabee ilaa Takfeer Ibn’Arabee – by Burhaanuddeen Al-Baqaa’ee .
    4. Tahdheerul-‘Ibaad min Ahlil-‘Inaad bibid’atil-Ittihaad – by Al-Baqaa’ee .

    There are many scholars who declared ibn Arabi to be a disbeliever then one of the Imaams of his time, al-Allaamah Burhaan ad-Deen al-Baqaa`ee [809-885H] authored a work entirely devoted to this in which he mentions the names and statements of tens of scholars from the time of ibn Arabi to his time who declared him to be a disbeliever. He mentions even more who declared him to be a deviant and worse – some of them sufis themselves. Insha`Allaah I will mention a few of them here and the interested reader can refer to the aforementioned book for more detail. The name of the book is ‘Tanbeeh al-Ghabbi ilaa takfeer ibn Arabee’

    Ibn Arabi said concerning the worshippers of the cow at the time of Moses (AS) as in his ‘Fusoos’ (pg. 192), “Moses (AS) was more knowledgeable of this matter than Haaroon because he knew what the Companions of the Cow (truly) worshipped. This is because he knew that Allaah had decreed that none was to be worshipped save Him Alone and that when Allaah decrees a thing it must occur. Therefore when Moses censured his brother Haaroon it was because of Haaroon rejecting (what the Companions of the Cow did) and his inability to truly comprehend it. For the Gnostic is the one who sees the Truth (Allaah) in everything, indeed he sees the Truth to be everything.”

    [Therefore ibn Arabee thought that the action of these people was correct because what they were worshipping was in reality Allaah!! Refuge is sought with Allaah]

    (1). Zayn ad-Deen al-Iraaqee [the teacher of ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee] said, “these words are disbelief from the one who utters them due to a number of reasons…”

    It is known that ibn Arabee believed that Pharaoh was correct when he said ‘I am your lord most high’ as in Fusoos (pg. 210).

    Al-Iraaqee said, “his saying concerning the statement of Pharaoh, ‘I am your lord most high’ that it was correct for him to say that…there is not doubt that the one who says this statement, and it is authentic that he said it while possessing his intelligence and not being coerced then he is a kaafir…”

    (2). The son of Al-Iraaqee, Imaam Walee ad-Deen Ahmad al-Iraaqee said under the twenty first issue of his ‘Fataawaa al-Makkiyyah,’ “there is no doubt in including the Fusoos that is famous from him amongst the clear and explicit disbelief. The same applies to his ‘Futoohaat al-Makkiyyah.’ If these books are truly written by him (ibn Arabee) and he believed in what he wrote when he died then he is a kaafir who will remain for eternity in Hellfire. There is no doubt concerning this.”

    (3). Ibn Sayyid an-Naas and ibn Daqeeq al-Eid and other scholars all mention from their shaykh al-Izz bin Abdis Salaam (who was contemporary to ibn Arabee) that he said about him, “an evil shaykh, a liar.” This was mentioned by adh-Dhahabee via many routes.

    (4). Abu Hayyaan [b. 654H] in his famous tafseer under aayah 5:17

    (5, 6). Ibn Hajr and his Shaykh al-Balqeenee. Ibn Hajr says in his biography to ibn al-Faarid in his ‘Lisaan al-Meezaan,’ “I asked our Shaykh Siraaj ad-Deen al-Balqeenee about ibn al-Arabee and he promptly replied that he was a kaafir.”

    (7). Al-Haafidh adh-Dhahabee, “and how would it be if the Shaykh (i.e. Sayf ad-Deen Alee al-Hareeree, the Sufi) saw the words of ibn Arabee which are pure kufr and heresy, he would say ‘this is the Dajjaal that is awaited.’”

    He also said, “if his (ibn Arabees) words are not kufr then there is no kufr in the world.”

    (8).Ibn Taymiyyah as is well known from him.

  6. Assalamu ‘alaykum all,

    I doubt the understandings of the “rightly guided”(Not the ‘Khulafa Rashideen’, but the user ID, which he used here in the above dialogue). Whatever proof is presented to him, related to “Permissibility of taking wasilah of the Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam”, he concludes it as “This is Grave Worship” and then says “Grave Worship is forbidden”.

    He (user “rightly guided”) also doesn’t make any difference between “The death of beloved Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam” and “the death of ordinary people”. Is it true, Oh! the user “rightly guided”?

    I realized that and already know that, only Allah ta’ala guides people. Not the “Wahhabi Threat Admin”.

    From the above statement, I mean, the true guidance is provided by only Allah ta’ala. I didn’t mean, others (the “wahhabi threat Admin”) misguides people. I have to make clear statements, otherwise, people may misinterpret it. And say “Allah guides and the Admin misguides”. Because, in the past few days, I came across people whose understanding is like this…. Simply tell them that “Allah exists without a place”. They conclude it saying… “They believe that Allah is nowhere”. then they say, “They don’t believe in the existence of Allah”. Got the point?

    May Allah subhanahu ta’ala save us from the deviations. Al Amaan al hafeez. Ameen

    May Allah subhanahu ta’ala provide us the true understanding of His message, for the sake of His Beloved. Ameen.
    (Is it permissible to say “for the sake of His Beloved”, Oh! the user “rightly guided”? Thank you)

    This comment is not to hurt anybody. Because, Mu’min doesn’t hurt his brothers in the religion, and I want to be a Mu’min. I request the admin to post this comment, only if he too feels that, this post is not hurting anyone.

    Wa as-Salam

    • Dear brother hidayath and to the wahabi threat administration,
      I never meant to hurt anyone;s feeling. but my dear brother hidayath(i guess this is your alias), what i can say about you is that although your name is hidayath, in reality you and your kiddo brothers of this website have strayed away from sirat-ul-mustakeen.
      My dear brother, I don’t want to comment too much in your website. as i personally think it wouldn’t be nice to do so. What i can say is, do not judge me by yourself, but let the viewers of this article judge between us on weather who is telling the truth and who is bluffing. one of your big mouth brothers in your website had mentioned in this section of giving me a devastating reply for answers. What i can say is that i feel really sorry for the plight you brothers are in at right now. but you yourselves are to blame.why? because it is because of your utter arrogance and shear ignorance in the islamic shariah.that allah(swt) has kept your’ll in the darkness. May allah give hidayath to all of you, like the way he gave hidayath to me. and by the way, allah soes not exist with out a place. he is above the arsh.and this is the true aqeeda.

      • Assalamu ‘alaykum,
        My real name is “Hidayath Basha son of Fazilath Basha”. The user ID is “hidayath26″. Thanks for making Dua’ for me.
        Please let The Judge alone judge whether who is by the side of People of Truth, and who is calling the People of Truth a deviant sect.
        Some people are following the sunnah of “saying salam” and “replying to salam”. and some people avoiding it deliberately or unintentionally. Some people saying “utter arrogance”, some people saying “just follow the sunnah”. Some blaming “sheer ignorance”, even the proof is overwhelming.

        My sincere request is to capitalize “A” of “Allah”. Expand swt. Use “He”, instead of “he”, when referring to Allah subhanahu ta’ala.

        I’m a layman, so I can’t comment on the “Place of Allah subhanahu ta’ala”. I prefer, to pass.

        Allah Hafiz
        Abu Ahmad Raza Hidayath Basha ibn Fazilath Basha

  7. I had sent a comment answering all your allegations. but it’s not listed in this column why? maybe you people have started to avoid me.

    • maybe it is just a sign of your bad suspicions for everybody to witness. My response to you will be timely, yet devastating. You have asked for this.

  8. Continued with brother “Rightly Guided” – brother Ahmed I believe

    Salamun alaykum, I greet you with the right of a non kafir – the Salam, for the Muslim, within the fold of Islam.

    Now, I understand we do not have the time to go detail for detail through all the evidences at once, however you mentioned one particular evidence that you have attempted to refute before I even said anything about it. You have stated that some people wrongly attribute this to Imaam al-Bukhaari. I am thinking that this is the hadeeth is which Bilal Ibn Harith goes to the grave and asks the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam for rain to descend upon madinah. Is this the hadeeth?

      • Dear brother, you really need to exercise good opinion regarding the Muslims. All because you could not find the hadeeth in Saheeh al-Bukhaari, it does not mean people are trying to play tricks, deceive the ummah and other unfair accusations you have hurled at them.

        I did manage to find the hadeeth in my copy of Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani’s Fath ul-Baari. You may very well know that this is the most famous commentary to Imaam Bukhaari’s Saheeh, so do make the excuse that maybe the brother you have most likely slandered meant it could be found in the sharh of the Saheeh.

        I am not here to defeat you in a debate, I have scanned the evidence strictly to share with you so that you may consider and change your mind, and come away from the bad opinions that the cult of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab has built its foundations upon.

        Here is the following hadeeth which is reported on the authority of Ibn Abi Shaybah with a saheeh isnaad, as Ibn Hajar al-Asqaalani clearly states. “From Maalik ad-Daariy – He was the treasurer of Umar – he related: The people suffered a drought in the era of Umar, so a man visited the grave of the Prophet – sal Allahu alayhi wasallam – and he said: ‘Yaa Rasulullah! ask for rain for your community for they have perished’… the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam appeared in his dream and told him to go to Umar… Fath ul-Baari, Vol. 2, Kitaab ul-Istiqaa, baab 3, p. 704

        As you see bit further down, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani says “He was Bilaal Ibn Haarith al-Muzni, one of the Sahaabah!

        al-Hafiz Ibn Katheer also mentions this hadeeth in his al-Bidaayah wa an-Nihayah in the chapter of the Khalifate of Umar, quoting it from Imaam al-Bayhaqi’s Dalaa’il an-Nubuwah. Ibn Katheer says that the isnaad is saheeh. There cannot be any weakness in the isnaad due to the fact that the very same isnaad has been noted for Saheeh ahaadeeth found with Saheeh al-Bukhaari, namely hadeeth no’s. 457; 4554 and in the Saheeh of Imaam Muslim hadeeth no. 40 and no. 81.

        This hadeeth is also mentioned in Imaam Bukhaari’s Tarikh ul-Kabir, Imaam at-Tabari also mentions it in his tarikh, Ibn Saad mentions it in his Tabqaat.

        • my dear brother, what i can say about you and those who slander against imam abdul wahhab is that you are people who worship idols without worshipping idols. as for the hadith, i did not tell a lie against imam bukhari. what i mentioned in my previous post was that a certain heratic from south india mentioned this hadith to prove that grave worship is allowed in islam . but when it was checked, the hadith had nothing to do with grave worship. even i know this hadith. what i can say is that you have not understood the above hadith. when the sahabi asked for rain from the prophet(sal)’s grave, the prophet told him to go and tell umar(rali) to ask for help from allah(swt). prophet(sal) did not tell him to ask from dead people.this clearly proves that you have to ask only from allah, and not from anyone else. I am asking you, what does this hadith got to do with grave worship?
          and regarding muhammead ibn abdul wahhab, he didn’t invent a new ideology. neighter
          did he start a new sect. he only revived the true teachings of the quran and sunna as understood by the sahaba, at a time where there was idolatrous practice among muslims.
          there is no differance between muhammad ibn abdul wahhab’s beleifs and the sahaba’s beliefs. You might still argue that in the above mentioned hadith, the prophet(sal), when he came in a dream, he did not criticise or forbade the sahabi for asking for rain in the prophe’s grave. my answer is, when the prophet was alive, he himself forbade grave worship.

          • Dear brother, I would hate to start pointing out the many contradictions and position changing in your speech. You say one thing, then another.

            I do not really want to take that avenue. The fact of the matter is, a man from among st the Sahaabah called upon the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam and asked for his du’a – your problem is that there is nobody from the Salaf that have used this report, there is nobody from the 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th century that have used this report to condemn this act as pure shirk. Whereas Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab and his following until today, without any shadow of a doubt, consider than one who does so a complete kaafir.

            even in his Nawaaqid ul-Islam, point three shows us that the one whoever doubts the kufr of such a person is also a Kaafir.

            This means that according to Wahhabi theology, the Sahaabi Bilal Ibn Haarith is a Kaafir, and all those who have passed down this tradition and used it as a support are also kuffar.

            This is one of the many reasons why the Wahhabiyyah are a dangerous Khawaarij cult.

            I only beg you escape from this temple of doom you are living in, and flee to Allah. Get away from the Salafiyyah, have a new start, new life, start afresh in a new location and enjoy your salvation knowing that Allah loves the Muslims, and that the true Muslims of the Ahl us-Sunnah are those people of love and good opinion towards each other.

            • First of all my brother, let me clear the misconceptions you have about me as well as the people of salaf(according to you it’s ‘wahabi’). there has been no contradictions in what i said regarding this hadith. the prophet(sal) told bilal bin harith to go and tell umar to ask for rain from allah, because it’s forbidden to ask help from dead. I don’t intend to debate with you, I only intend to correct you from the deviated path you are following.
              my dear brother, your argument does not hold water. in this hadith, there is no mentioning of the prophet asking this sahaba to ask from the dead. what is clear in this hadith is that bilal bin harith(ral) only asked from the grave, and this can’t be used as an evidance to prove that grave worship is not haram. because you can’t follow the sahaba. You have to follow the quran ,sahih hadith, and the ways of the four rightly guided khalifs. This is what has been proven from the quran and the sunna. I am asking you, which quranic verse or hadith says to follow bilal bin harith(rali)? If you use this as evidance, then according to you,zina,murder slander are all permissable. why, because certain sahabas committed these crimes. I know it is haram to say anything about the sahaba. please don’t misunderrstand me. Iam only trying to explain this to you.there is a big differance between following and staying, and the understanding of the sahaba(rali).

              As for your next accusation, you are accusing the people of salaf as khawarij. first of all you are ignorant about kawarijism. that is why you have erroneously called imam muhammad bin abdul wahhab as a kawarij . you argue that abdul wahhab said that people who do shirk are kafir. he didn;t say this . what he said was grave worshipping is a form of kufr. according to your argument, even the prophet (sal) is a khawarij.subhanallah; you ask me why? because the prophet (sal) said that a person who commits zina is not a muslim at the time he commits it. my dear brother, even you can clearly see how erroneously you have deviated from the right path. get away from this sufi deviation, which is nothing but bidah, kufr and shirk and come back to the correct path. the correct path is the quran ,authentic sunna of the prophet(sal) as understood by the sahaba, tabin, tabat tabin.

              • I am sorry dear brother, but my tone must change now from sincere concern to a hard refutation which involves cut and paste rhetoric by taking your words apart. I did not want to do it, but your arrogance has has left me no options.

                • The same to you my brother. what is understood from the quran and the sunna is that allah won’t give hidayath to the arrogant person. you are one of them. i hope and pray to allah(not to false awliyas),that allah(swt) gives you hidayath. if iam correct, you are still young. and inshaallah there is plenty of time that allah has given you to correct yourself.

  9. my dear brother, you have mentioned evidances that grave worship is not haram in islam. all the above mentioned evidances are nonsense my dear brother. if you have the true guts to prove your false argument(worshipping graves) is not haram in islam, please show an evidance from the quran or sahih hadith to prove it, with out taking opinions of scholars. first of all the above youtube evidances cannot be excepted. these could have been fabridated by heratics to prove their false stance . remember my brother, i am not a layman and i am following a diploma in islamic studies. so don’t try to fool me by showing false evidances. and don;t fool the laymen muslims.

    • Salamun ‘alaykum, Dear brother Ahmed, I greet you with the right of a Muslim, the Salam

      Dear brother, before we can proceed, can you please show me where I have said worshiping graves is not haraam? Is there any place specifically where I have said you are allowed to worship graves, or even where I have said you are allowed to worship other than Allah?

      Let us get over this small obstacle first.

      Wa as-Salam

      A brother in Islam

      • My dear brother, the above article indicates that asking help from the dead(including the prophet ) is okay. If a sahabi says ya rasulullah does thatt mean worship?no’ there is clear cut evidance that calling upon graves is haram in islam.This heresy started from the shias and then came to the sunnis as a form sufi worship.

        • Salamun ‘alaykum

          The first Muslim courtesy is the Salam

          I do not think you are aware of the evidences in which Sahaabah went to the grave of the Messenger of Allah sal Allahu alayhi wasallam and called upon him by saying Ya RasulAllah and even asked for help in ceratin circumstances.

          We also have a long line of scholars, poeple who you accept as mujaddideen who have affirmed these practices. That is one thing I can claim in this respect, that we truly follow the understanding of the Qur’an and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf in reagards to these matters.

          To even say Yaa RasulAllah this is considered as a call, a dua, and the ayah of the Qur’an I have quoted is sufficent to prove my point.

          Dear brother, you can bring all the “clear cut evidences” one by one here and we will discuss them according to their asbaab un-Nazool and intended import and the implications those evidences hold.

          This claim of grave worship is something new. The claim only appeared in the 11th century, even Ibn Taymiyyah never accused the Muslims of grave worship.

          We have had century upon century of revivers since the Salaf, yet you are following an opinion that Muslims fell into idolatry, and that the revivers remained silent about this?

          Are you following the opinion that Prophet Muhammad sal Allahu alayhi wasallam did not suceed in his job in destroying idolatry in Arabia, and that Sahykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab came to destroy the idols? Consider carefully the deeper implications of your belief, as you may well know, the issue of takfeer is a gamble of salvation.

          We can discuss, but you must make your words abundantly clear as to what you mean and what you beleif.

          Kind Regards, your brother in Islam

          • Dear brother, please show me the evidence where sahabahs called on the prophet’s grave for help? then we can proceed. you have also mentioned that i have meant that ibn abdul wahhab came to destroy idolatory, and you go on to mention that i have done takfir by meaning this. T his shows that Your knowledge about takfiri ideology is little.

            • I greet you with the right of a Muslim, Salamun alaykum. It is getting very disturbing to see that you have not commenced with a Salam, or even replied with one. This denotes that you do not consider me a Muslim believer, but a grave worshipper which also suggests I am a Kaafir according to your understanding. Please refer to points 2 and 3 of Nawaaqid ul-Islam penned by Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab, then please do try and beg to differ with me if I am not right in what I have just said.

              Regarding the evidences that it is permissible to call upon the Prophet from his grave and the Salaf did it, the revivers recomended it is coming up next. There is a lot of typing and even translating to do so bear with me.

              As for the issue of takfeer, we go look to Kashf ush-Shubuhaat and other texts by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab a little more down the line, and we will go through this in Arabic and English and discuss the implications, explicit and implicit statements.

              • Dear brother, I don’t consider you to be an infidel. I consider you a heretic. What i have read in you website shows the arrogance and ignorance you poses regarding the true aqeedah of the jamaah. you haven’t shown any evidance for your deviant stance. There is ample evidance from the quran and sunna to prove that grave worship is totally forbidden. so much that i am unable to mention all of them. Let me mention one hadith of the prophet forbidding grave worship .
                Rasoolullah(SAW) said “Beware of those who preceded you and used to take the graves of their prophets and righteous men as places of worship, but you must not take graves as mosques; I forbid you to do that.”[Sahih Muslim 1:1083].
                What you claimed was claimed was claimed by another heretic from south india.He’s is abdullah jamali. This individual who belongs to the grave worshipping sect called sunnat wal jamaat. claimed that there is evidence from sahih al bukhari where a
                sahabah came to the grave of the prophet (sal) during a drought and said “o ya rasulullah” when will the rain come? and on that night when the sahabah was asleep he saw the prophet in a dream where he said that the rain will come.and the next day, the rain came. This story was atributed as a hadith from bukhari, and finally to see, there wasn’t any such hadith in imam bukhari;s sahih. This is how heratics try to play tricks with the innocent ummah by telling lies or by twisting hadiths or quran aya’s to suit their deviant aqeedah and manhaj.

                  • I read your post. which was in the link you have mentioned. I don’t have much time to individually refute the entire article. let me brief you on this. You have mentioned that the prophet will come with flesh and bones. where did you get this opinion? You have also mentioned about sending salaams to the prophet. This is what rasulullash(sal) said regarding this:
                    The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah has angels who go around on earth, conveying to me the salaam of my ummah.” Narrated by al-Nasaa’i, 1282; classed as Sahih by al-Albaani in Sahih al-Targheeb, 1664.
                    You have erroneously said that rasullulah(sal) can hear our salams from any place.
                    There is no evidence to prove this. What is clear is, it is the angels who will convey the salaams of the ummah. I hope and pray that you come to the correct path, and avoid the pantheistic aqeedah of the sufi’s who nothing but the group that will be in hell fire.

                    • Okay, I understand you may not have the time to go through each evidence. However, I would kindly suggest you refresh the page and see that this conversation thread is getting visably thinner so please look for my new post above or below entitled “continued” because I am not liking that the conversation is hsaping to be 3 words per line. Its bugging me.

    • Assalamu ‘alaykum,

      Did he mention evidence “Grave Worship is not haram in Islam”? I thought, he mentioned evidence “Worship Allah alone, with wasilah of Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam”. I think, I need to reread the article. I don’t hold a diploma in Islamic sciences. I’m simply a layman.

      Allah Hafiz

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