New Additions and Updates

Salamun ‘alaykum

Most likely you will have probably noticed a lot of changes happening on this site. Well al-hamdu Lillah, we are working hard to bring you a blog full of informative articles, ranging from biographies, to book reviews and even pdf downloads on almost every subject, every science.

You will have noticed we have gone to work in the Sunni Scholars section to bring you a extensive list of fourteen hundred years of saheeh tradtional scholarship. Not only will you know who are the scholars of each century, but you will also be able to know their biography, who they were taught by and who they passed the deen down too. You will also be able to download their books in Arabic.

You will also notice we have gone to work on the madh-hab section, bringing you the information on your madh-hab and also making the much needed texts available in English and Arabic.

We have also gone to work on the Ulum section, a resource for the students of knowledge. Please do du’a for our continuous success, it is solely from Allah and down to no effort of our own, even though we have worked hard at this, it is Allah that has allowed us to do so by His permission and divine grace.

Please have patience with a lot of these updates. If you think you have some relative information to submit or even an idea on how to improve or build on our ideas, then please do post.

JazakAllah khayr – the Admin

About The Wahhabi Threat Admin

Kind, joking, cruel, angry, vicious - just cannot make up my mind
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3 Responses to New Additions and Updates

  1. Number 97 says:

    “bringing you the information on your madh-hab”

    As-Salaamu Alaykum.

    Will you be bringing Maliki fiqh information? Not just Hanbali fiqh?

    • says:

      wa alaykum as-Salaam, I will be bringing the texts, but I will be looking to Aisha Bewly, Abdus-Samad Clarke and others to explain the delicacies of the madh-hab. Basically it will be an edited copy and paste, or a summarized article of what I have learned. However, I am planning of adding much info from Ibn Taymiyyah’s work of praise on the Maliki madh-hab The Madinah Way . Wa as-Salam

      • says:

        Why Ibn Taymiyyah, because we can tackle the Wahhabi Threat with Ibn Taymiyyah’s works alone. Much lies have the Wahhabi cult attributed to Ibn Taymiyyah .

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